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Monday, July 4, 2011

"The beginning of a beautiful story"

First, I'd like to say that multitasking is the devil. I always have had this issue with decisions, so usually I end up either grumpily doing one thing, or doing both at the same time. But I am also so easily distracted that when I don't concentrate hard on both at once, I'll get tied up in one thing and completely forget about the other... It is an absolutely horrid affliction. So here I am, torn between playing some fantasy find it game with my mom and blogging about my beautiful day. 

Anyways, today was wonderful. Most of you people will probably be gleefully watching fireworks, or partying all night, but for us backwards people that all happened yesterday. So yesterday my friend slept over since we got back so late, we woke up around 11:00 and had some of my dad's giant pancake for breakfast, she went home, and I was left to my own devices. Translation - I read some, then I napped some, then I read some more, then I napped some more. It was wonderful. I have never slept better. So yeah. Then I woke up just in time for pizza and we went for a walk with the dogs. Rollingwood is beautiful. It is full of a mix of old and new houses, small and large. And somehow they all go together perfectly. Walking along the road there, I was even reminded of some Utopian dream I had of myself as a single writer, coming home from a walk with my two dogs to sit at the computer and type up a beautiful story. Mom's reply was that I should do just that by going back to our new house to write a beautiful blog. "The beginning of a beautiful story." I admit that now looking back on it, it sounds a bit weird but yeah, it's still really comforting.

Anti-blogging Syndrome

For some reason this week I have simply not been  able to blog. Like I got home and told myself, "I'm too tired to blog right now. I just want to enjoy being back home with my family." Then there was the day after, and the day after that, etc. So my best analysis of myself was that I felt like I was writing back home when I was was blogging in Savannah, but now that I am home, it seems kind of obsolete. So here I go, forcing myself to blog again. 

A brief summary of this/last week:

Leave Fort Worth, visit FUNimation, get to new home, visit with brother and parents, meet neighbors. Oh right, then I went and watched the Will it Blend videos with my little brother and a Nova special on dreams.

Me in front of the FUNimation building

It's actually in Flower Mound... not Fort Worth... quite a nuisance...

Our new temporary home

My room

The cockroach infested bathroom...

Um... Thursday is kind of a blank... oh wait, my friend came for a sleep over and we hung out, surfed YouTube, and stuff. Evetually she convinced me to play hide and seek, at which point my brother Nate and his friend enthusiastically joined in. Half the time I got bored and came out as soon as someone else was found so I wouldn't be "it", but Zelda however, had way more patience.Then we all had dinner, full of extremely hilarious and awkward table conversation. We stayed up late that night watching Legend of the Seeker which is an awesome show.

Apparently Zelda tried to wake me up by excessive poking, which I sort of felt, but didn't register, being half asleep as always. Then she talked to me, and according to her, that is what woke me. I can't even remember what she said, but no one has ever woken me up that way. It just doesn't happen. I mean, I've even been thrown across a room before, but it didn't wake me up. So we got up, had coffee cake for breakfast, hung out, played some more hide and seek, and then she went home, leaving me with the first two mangas of Alice in the Country of Hearts. I finished them both that day.

On Saturday, Gammy left us to head back to Fort Worth. Later, I convinced my dad to take me out to get the rest of the books in the series, which we did. I pretty much spent the rest of the day reading those and debating with myself as to how in the world this related to Lewis Carroll's original books. I did still enjoy the manga though. We also picked up the book Raised by Wolves and I observed that now Barnes and Noble has a whole section dedicated to "Teen Paranormal Romance". It was great to lay around and read all day. I'm pretty sure we also took the dogs for a walk that day. There was also an interesting conversation at dinner where Nate commented that he was "stuffed" and noticed that he was "covered with cheese", so my mom started "roasting" him by asking him lots of intensive questions.

Yesterday was really exciting. I read for a while in the morning, and after a quick lunch, we went and picked up my friend Emily to go to a party at my "aunt's" house. She isn't really my aunt, but she's an extremely close family friend, so close enough. We drove forty minutes to get to her house, playing Bop It most of the way. I tried to convince Emily to read manga, but she looked at it for about one second and decided that it was simply too confusing to read backwards. Then we went to the pool at their country club, went back to their house for showers, and returned to eat lots of food and play video games and such at a party hosted by the club. Since it was so late when we came home, Emily slept over and we watched anime a bit.