Well, like I said yesterday, here i am in Fort Worth. The flight wasn't too bad. I watched Stardust on the way. That, my readers, is a good movie. If you haven't read the book and can commit not to be biased, it really is a good thing to pass the time. It is based off the book, also Stardust, by Neil Gaiman. It is kinda vivid, but really hilarious. There is just one part I find so entertaining when Septimus' body is taken over by voodoo and his ghost brothers all look over at him as if to say We thought you were dead like us. The look he gives them in reply is absolutely priceless. Well, Anywho, when I got to the airport Gammy was standing there at the gate waiting for me. Apparently since we have the same last name she was able to convince them that she had like a five year old grandchild who was incapable of walking through the airport by herself. So we went to the baggage check, found my bag, and went to my grandparents house where we were met by my great Aunt Fay, her new husband, and my grandpa Grumps. They are all really fun to hang around, but I was pretty much drop dead tired since I had lost an hour coming from Georgia, so I went to my room and read my book for a while before falling asleep.
This morning I lay in bed half asleep for a while before getting up for breakfast. (In case you haven't noticed, I tend to be half asleep every time before I wake up, just staring at a wall or something.) After breakfast, we sat around and talked, then I wandered a bit. (Another thing I tend to do quite a lot) And once I got tired of that, I went and finished my book, Uncommon Criminals by Ally Carter. Then Gammy and Fay went to see my great great Aunt Wanda, while I stayed behind and decorated a cigar box (which we have an abundance of here... the smoke drives my asthma insane) by wrapping it in a pretty green cloth, while listening to the men talk about politics, annoying calls from the government, and food. Yes, our family is a foodie family. Grump's philosophy is "Food is not only to sustain life. It is also part of enjoying life." Finally, after much argument with Gammy, "Madam Director", over the phone, it was decided that Wanda was to come have dinner with us.
Once they arrived, the small talk commenced and my box was highly praised. I was asked to make another once I finish this, so I'll probably be doing that tonight as a stand in for my lack of reading material. Grumps went out to work on the dinner, very grumpy, as he tends to get when he is hungry. The food was delicious. In our family there is a joke that when it's quiet, the food is good. Well as we chowed down on garlic salad, medium rare steak, baked potatoes, and tiny onions it was absolutely silent. Eventually, the evening had to come to a close though, so we all said farewell to Wanda and I came in here for some blogging/role playing/checking of email. It was then that I learned that FUNimantion is in Fort Worth! Sadly though, I leave here tomorrow and I won't be able to even see the building where my idols labor ingeniously away to make amazing works of art. Sigh. So here I am, blogging, role playing, and checking email (all at once mind you) with a bowl of coffee ice cream.
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